As with all other libraries and similar organisations the Maldon Athenaeum Library closed following the State Government directions from March 25th to June 10th. A strict protocol was introduced so that the re-opening would not present a danger to any of our members, visitors or volunteers. All returned books are placed in a box and not touched for at least 48 hours, hand sanitiser must be used after the member places the books in the return box and a strict one way system is in operation. Names of all visitors are recorded with their contact details. Naturally only a limited number of people are allowed in the Library at any one time

Some volunteers have elected not to do duty during this period because of heath issues but the majority have worked as cheerfully as ever. All members and volunteers have been particularly careful in following the correct procedures and as a result the re-opening has been trouble free and happy.

Everyone is aware that because of the worsening situation in Melbourne it may be necessary for all parts of the state to return to lockdown and this of course will mean that the Athenaeum will have to close again but in the meantime all is well in Maldon and we continue to provide a much needed service to our community.

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